
Showing posts from March, 2018


Priorities is a tough thing for me to describe because I have so many different priorities for all the different areas of my life. I place myself as a pretty low priority, my physical and mental health that is. I tend to place my pets, finances, school, work, boyfriend, family, and friends all above myself. It is something I definitely need to work on, since I have been getting sick very frequently lately, and I let my mental health go down pretty bad last year as an engineer. I think I need to learn to prioritize myself sometimes, because if I feel better, I am less likely to flounder in school and work, and I will probably have a better relationship with my boyfriend and friends. While I will still probably never prioritize myself over my finances, I would like to at least get to a point where I will call off of work or stay home from classes if I feel sick or under the weather.

Future Goals

My goals for the future are honestly just to be financially secure and happy. Once I feel comfortable in my finances, likely by pursuing a CPA and attaining a well paying job, I'd really like to try to do something with animals. I have not figured out yet what exactly I want to do, be it starting a small rescue and rehabilitation for smaller animals/reptiles, or donating to an existing rescue, or going somewhere to help with bigger problems (poaching or animal abuse at large). While I am not sure what exactly I plan to do, I know I wont be happy if it does not somehow involve animals in my free time. Besides that, I would just like to own my own house and have pets of my own, as well as enough money to support the reasonable material belongings I might want.

On the Subject of Millennials

Every time I hear the arguments against millennials, I just want to roll my eyes. In my opinion, every generation is honestly the same. Every generation says the same stuff about the generation before and after them. The younger generation is lazy and entitled, the older generation is selfish and behind the times. It's just the cycle of life and the only thing that truly changes is the technology each generation is raised with, and the economy they're left with. Every person is different, there are millennials that ARE lazy and entitled, but there are also millennials that are hardworking and selfless. Summing up an entire generation of people into one set of adjectives is irrational. However I do agree with what the speaker said about phone addiction, though I think plenty of people from every generation suffer from it, not just millennials. I disagree strongly with his idea that "okay" is an acceptable way for everyone to live. Some people are absolutely content wit...