On the Subject of Millennials

Every time I hear the arguments against millennials, I just want to roll my eyes. In my opinion, every generation is honestly the same. Every generation says the same stuff about the generation before and after them. The younger generation is lazy and entitled, the older generation is selfish and behind the times. It's just the cycle of life and the only thing that truly changes is the technology each generation is raised with, and the economy they're left with. Every person is different, there are millennials that ARE lazy and entitled, but there are also millennials that are hardworking and selfless. Summing up an entire generation of people into one set of adjectives is irrational. However I do agree with what the speaker said about phone addiction, though I think plenty of people from every generation suffer from it, not just millennials. I disagree strongly with his idea that "okay" is an acceptable way for everyone to live. Some people are absolutely content with normality, but without the people that want to make an impact, society will never advance. He makes far too large of generalizations and blanket statements with no margins for variance, and there are so few definite things in this world that don't allow for wiggle room.
